
A series of “How-to” articles that will help you with your day-to-day WordPress tasks.

The complete guide to WordPress menus

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The complete guide to WordPress menus WordPress template

Navigation is a very important part of any webpage. A well structured one allows the visitors to easily locate all the information they are looking for and make the overall browsing experience more pleasant. Luckily WordPress has catered to this need with a functional and easy to use menu system. Today we’re going to take a closer look at the menu creation procedure.

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How to show only last child categories using the_category()

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How to show only last child categories using the_category() WordPress template

Have you ever wanted to change the_category()‘s behaviour so that it’ll only show the leaves (last child categories) of the selected WordPress categories?

For example, you might have a category hierarchy of Food > Cat > Prescription Cat Food, and it doesn’t really make sense to show all three categories. Due to organizational reasons however, you need to have all three of them selected. How do you force your theme then, to only display the Prescription Cat Food category?

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Beginner’s guide: Child themes

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Beginner’s guide: Child themes WordPress template

Thousands of support tickets have taught us one thing; people love customizing their themes. Everyday, many of them, dive in the code to get a unique layout or functionality, tailored to their needs and desires.

Another interesting fact is that very few users utilize child themes. Why is that? Well, most of them don’t know what they are, how they work and what they have to offer. Some, happily very few, just can’t be bothered.

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Moving your WordPress installation using Duplicator

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Moving your WordPress installation using Duplicator WordPress template

Many of our customers, correctly, build their projects on local or development servers and then, once everything is done and polished, the whole installation gets moved to another server to go live. Moving a WordPress installation is thoroughly documented in the Codex, but it can still be a bit complicated for a novice WordPress user/developer. Below we’re going to present an alternative way of moving (or even cloning) your installation using the Duplicator plugin.

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WordPress Localization – How plural forms work

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WordPress Localization – How plural forms work WordPress template

It seems there is a lot of confusion going around WordPress developers and enthusiasts regarding the proper use of the WordPress localization functions. Unfortunately, 99%1 of the tutorials circulating the Interwebz right now, only scratch the surface of localization by mentioning less than a handful of the functions available, and to make things worse, some of them are outdated or just plain wrong. Top that with insufficient knowledge of foreign languages, and you get a topic of localization that’s totally misunderstood or even skipped altogether; Plural Forms.

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