WordPress Plugins

“There’s a plugin for that”. Tutorials for various WordPress tasks and ways to improve your productivity in both the WordPress dashboard and the front-end of your WordPress website.

Modify image sizes using Simple Image Sizes

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Modify image sizes using Simple Image Sizes WordPress template

WordPress comes with a few preset image sizes for images to be cropped to, the thumbnail, the medium and the large ones. Of course these basic image sizes are not enough for themes, so their developers tend to add many more custom image sizes to better creates the desired layouts on their themes. What if you need more image sizes than the ones that come with your theme? Luckily there is a plugin for that.

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Add custom fields to your WooCommerce checkout page

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Add custom fields to your WooCommerce checkout page WordPress template

The WooCommerce checkout page comes with most of the required fields to allow you to get all the required information in order to dispatch an order to a client. What if something is missing? You might need a couple of extra fields, a checkbox, a drop-down or another text input field, how can you get them? You can always add new fields programmatically as described in WooCommerce’s documentation here, but there is an easier way by using a plugin.

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Customize your WordPress dashboard using Adminimize

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Customize your WordPress dashboard using Adminimize WordPress template

The WordPress dashboard contains a lot of options that most users won’t ever use. In fact the plethora of options can some times be confusing or even dangerous if some of the available options allows an inexperienced user to break their site. WordPress tries to minimize both the clutter and prevent accidents by restricting access to necessary options depending of the user role. What if you want to create a tailor made experience for your clients though? You have a few options, you can use the roles & capabilities API to customize what each user role can do on your site, or even create custom roles for your users, more info on how to do that here. However, for more fine grained dashboard customization there is a purpose built plugin and it’s called Adminimize.

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How to manage redirections from your WordPress dashboard

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How to manage redirections from your WordPress dashboard WordPress template

Changing permalink structure, changing post slugs, deleting posts or pages, moving your WordPress installation to another folder, or even migrating your site to a completely different server will require you to take care of URL redirects. A redirect lets your visitor, or more specifically your visitor’s browser, know that the page they are looking for has moved and directs them to the proper address. Unhandled changes to any of the above circumstances might result to 404 errors which are not that great for your page’s SEO. Let’s take a look at how we can use a plugin to easily handle such redirects. 

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Use AdRotate to manage ads on your WordPress site

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Use AdRotate to manage ads on your WordPress site WordPress template

Ads are a quick and easy way to start getting some revenue out of your WordPress website. Creating ads and managing ad campaigns might become a taxing task, monitoring impressions and clicks,  generating statistics, making sure expired ads don’t appear on your site, and more, there’s a lot to take care of. Here’s where AdRotate comes in to play.

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Content Locker – Grow social media traffic

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Content Locker – Grow social media traffic WordPress template

In today’s competitive world of blogging social media traffic and mailing lists are perhaps the most important tools to help us increase our sites’ reach and exposure. Our plugin of the day is geared towards helping you increase that traffic by restricting access to pieces of your content.

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Themify Audio Dock

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Themify Audio Dock WordPress template

It’s almost certain that you have run onto a site which features some sort of audio when it loads, whether it is soothing or annoying music, the feature is rather popular. Today’s plugin of the day can help you add some, hopefully nice, music on your WordPress site.

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WP Pixabay

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WP Pixabay WordPress template

Continuing with our image related theme, today we’re going to take a look at a plugin that helps us find free stock images, including photos, vectors and illustrations, these can be used either in the content or set as featured images for our posts.

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Vectr – Embedded Graphics Editor

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Vectr – Embedded Graphics Editor WordPress template

Images are a very important piece of your content. Sometimes they are the ones that capture the visitor’s interest and make them read on. Graphically representing things is the best way to engage people. Naturally graphics and image manipulation will take up much of your time while writing articles for your site. Today we’ll take a look at an awesome tool which will help you create stunning graphics right in your dashboard.

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