WordPress Plugins

“There’s a plugin for that”. Tutorials for various WordPress tasks and ways to improve your productivity in both the WordPress dashboard and the front-end of your WordPress website.


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Announcements WordPress template

If you are running a multi user WordPress installation it might get tricky to notify all existing users of an important change or bring new users up to speed on rules and procedures on the site. Luckily there is a plugin for this.

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TinyMCE Recover

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TinyMCE Recover WordPress template

If you have updated your WordPress installation to 4.7 you might have noticed that the text underline and text justification buttons were removed. This has inconvenienced many bloggers out there who find them useful but tend to forget keyboard shortcuts. Luckily there is a solution to this problem in the form of a plugin.

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Take control of your widgets with the Widget Options plugin

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Take control of your widgets with the Widget Options plugin WordPress template

Widgets are an essential part of most WordPress sites. They help us feature content, products, display social profiles and feeds, contact info and more. However sometimes you might need more refined control over your widgets, what if you want to display a widget on a certain page alone, or only on posts of a certain category, what if you want to apply custom styling to a widget? Luckily there are plugins to help us with this and today we’re taking a look at one of them.

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Show theme in footer

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Show theme in footer WordPress template

If you manage a lot of WordPress sites each with its own theme, you might need a way to easily check which theme is active on a particular site and which version it’s running. This will make updating themes easier. That’s what today’s plugin of the day can help you with.

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Reset your database with WordPress database reset

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Reset your database with WordPress database reset WordPress template

The WordPress database might get bloated, especially if you tend to use many plugins, test out new interesting ones and change themes often. You might want to clean it up or even wipe it out entirely to start fresh. You don’t have to delete your entire WordPress installation and create a new one to do this, you can just reset your database using a plugin.

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Migrate your database using WP Migrate DB

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Migrate your database using WP Migrate DB WordPress template

There are many cases where you might need to migrate your WordPress database. Whether it is to set up a staging site, update an existing one or create a local installation of a live project. WordPress options and meta are serialized and stored in the database making such migrations a bit more complex than a simple search and replace, but don’t worry, there’s a plugin for this!

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MaxSlider – The FREE WordPress Slider without the confusing parts

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MaxSlider – The FREE WordPress Slider without the confusing parts WordPress template

About a month ago we released a free slider plugin for WordPress. We created MaxSlider because we needed a simple yet flexible slider plugin that could be used with Visual Composer. We decided to release the plugin on the WordPress plugin directory and today it gets its first major update which brings new awesome functionality. Let’s take a look at what’s new!

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Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress

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Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress WordPress template

Let’s talk about speed. We all know how important loading speeds are on websites. A slow page will struggle at keeping visitors engaged resulting to high bounce rates, which is less than desirable. The problem only gets worse on mobile users which not only have to deal with slow network speeds but run the potential risk of high data charges when visiting large websites. There are a lot of ways to speed up page loading times and decrease the page size such as caching and minification plugins, CDNs and more, Accelerated Mobile Pages are yet another tool in our disposal which is purpose built for mobiles.

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Easy WordPress Contact Form Plugin – WPForms Lite

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Easy WordPress Contact Form Plugin – WPForms Lite WordPress template

Contact forms are an essential tool for any site owner that wants to keep in touch with their readers. There are a lot of plugins available on WordPress to help you create forms, but they tend to be a little hard to use, especially when you need to create a form to get started. WPForms is here to solve this problem.

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TinyMCE Advanced

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TinyMCE Advanced WordPress template

WordPress’ visual editor is simple and easy to use but is far from a complete text editor. Many tools that are very useful to editors are missing, for example copy/paste buttons, adding tables, subscript and superscript buttons and more. Today’s plugin is here to help.

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