Documentation for Tinos – Legacy

About Tinos

Tinos is a blog/news WordPress theme for content oriented authors. It is designed to maximize your post’s exposure by providing to the reader the absolutely necessary information in a simple yet appealing manner, eliminating distractions. The homepage is covered entirely by your posts with a widgetized footer section also available.

WordPress theme installation

The easiest way to install the theme, is by accessing your WordPress admin panel, then go to Appearance > Themes. Select the Install Themes tab and click the Upload link located just below the tab’s name. Click on Browse… and select the WordPress theme zip file you just downloaded. Then click the Install Now button, and after a few seconds, your new theme should be installed. Click activate and the theme is ready to use.

In order to install the theme manually, or in case you have trouble installing it through the admin panel, you have to unzip the WordPress theme’s zip file on your computer, and upload via FTP the resulting theme folder into your WordPress installation themes folder (wp-content/themes). Then, from the WordPress admin go to Appearance > Themes. The theme should be available in your themes list. Click activate.

After activation, you will be redirected to the CSSIgniter Settings panel (accessible from Appearance > CSSIgniter Settings) to start customizing your brand new theme.

Image Sizes

The recommended minimum image sizes for Tinos are:

  • Thumbnail size: 768x600px

Useful Plugins

These plugins provide functionality and features used directly (or not) by the Theme. So, it is recommended to install and activate them before importing your sample content.

  • CSSIgniter Shortcodes you can use our custom made shortcode plugin to help you create a variety of layouts and elements on your site. Instructions can be found here.
  • Socials Ignited use this plugin to create a widget that links to all your social profiles. You can also customize it with your icons and add new social networks, a guide can be found here.
  • Contact Form 7 use this plugin to create a contact form, then copy the shortcode it gives you and paste it in the contact page you created earlier.

Importing Sample Content using One Click Import

To automate the process of importing and for a better experience we have natively included support for OneClick Import Plugin. Let install it fist:

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’,
  2. Search for ‘One Click Demo Import’ and install the plugin,
  3. Activate ‘One Click Demo Import’ from your Plugins page.


  1. Download ‘One Click Demo Import’.
  2. Upload the ‘one-click-demo-import’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate ‘One Click Demo Import’ from your Plugins page.

Once the plugin is activated you will find the actual import page in: Appearance > Import Demo Data.

 Click on the Import demo data button and you are done!

This plugin requires PHP version of at least 5.3.x, but we recommend version 5.6.x or better yet 7.x. Please contact your hosting company and ask them to update the PHP version for your site.

Setting up your theme

1) Creating theme pages

Tinos does not need any pages to operate. If you’d like to add a contact page, you can create a page under Pages > Add New and use the shortcode given to you by the Contact Form 7 plugin in the page’s content area.

2) Populating your blog

To add new posts to your blog, go to Posts > Add New and follow the steps below

  1. give a title to your post,
  2. place your text in the content editor,
  3. upload a featured image by clicking “Set featured image” on the Featured Image panel,
  4. add a category and/or tag to the post, if you so desire, from the respective panels
  5. in the Post Details panle you can select if you want to split the content in two colums or not and the maximum number of words shown on the homepage for this post,
  6. from the Format panel on the right you can select the post format, if you select Standard you can go ahead and publish the post.
  7. if you select Video you will be presented with the Video Details panel, place the URL to your video in the box and publish,
  8. finally selecting Audio will activate the Audio Details panel, in which you can upload the mp3 you want to embed on your post, or if the mp3 is already hosted somewhere, you can just paste the URL in the box. Finish up by publishing your post.

3) Creating your menu

When your content is in place, you might need a menu (again in Tinos a menu is sort of optional). Go to Appearance > Menus, check the pages you want on your menu and add them, give your menu a name and save it. Finally you will need to set your menu as “Main” menu, this can be done either by checking the “Main menu” box in “Menu Settings” just below your menu items in Menu Structure, or by going to the “Manage Locations” tab and selecting the menu you just created.

(TIP, for more info on creating and managing menus, please read the WordPress Menu User Guide here)

4) Custom Widgets

The theme features five custom widgets, which can help you display additional information.

All widgets can be accessed from Appearance > Widgets. Below each widget you will find a small description explaining their functionality.

The Settings Panel

Last but not least, under Appearance > CSSIgniter settings, you can find our custom built settings panel. From here you can manipulate various aspects of your theme, including, but not limited to, changing your logo, setting a custom background, changing color scheme and applying custom styles via the custom CSS tab. All options feature a description so you instantly know their provided functionality.

Next Steps

Still have questions or problems setting up your CSSIgniter Theme? We will be happy to help you out! Please visit our support Hub 

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