Minor theme updates for WooCommerce 4.6.x

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Minor theme updates for WooCommerce 4.6.x WordPress template

A couple of weeks ago WooCommerce 4.6 was released. This is a minor release so everything should be backwards compatible. It brings updates to the WooCommerce Admin, the latest version of WooCommerce blocks and some fixes and localization improvements.

What’s new

Apart from the latest versions of WooCommerce Admin (1.6.1) and WooCommerce Blocks (3.4.0), all users will now get the new WooCommerce home screen, first introduced back in WooCommerce 4.3. The old setup wizard has been retired, tax classes that contain non-ASCII characters can be assigned to products, and country sorting is improved for languages that use graphic accents.

Filters and actions

The filters listed below have been added.

Filters Description
woocommerce_return_to_shop_text Filter to change the label of the “Return to shop” button in the empty cart page.
woocommerce_cart_item_required_stock_is_not_enough Filter to change the behavior when checking stock for items in the cart.
woocommerce_should_send_no_stock_notification Filter to let developers skip the no stock e-mail for certain products.
woocommerce_after_order_details Action to add extra data after the order details section.


  • The classes WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard and WC_Admin_Setup_Wizard_Tracking with no replacement.
  • The method WC_Admin_Notices::install_notice() with no replacement.
  • The files includes/admin/views/html-notice-install.php, assets/css/wc-setup.scss and assets/js/admin/wc-setup.js with no replacement.

CSSIgniter themes and WooCommerce 4.6

All of our themes were compatible with this release from day one. We have just released a minor update for a few of our themes to fix a styling glitch introduced by the latest WooCommerce update.

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