CSSIgniter WordPress contribution days

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CSSIgniter WordPress contribution days WordPress template

Right after we attended WordCamp Europe, we made a pact as a company to follow through on Matt’s five for the future, calling all WordPress focused companies to dedicate 5% of their resources working for WordPress.

Since there are four of us at CSSIgniter right now, and since my right leg can’t code by itself (yet), we decided to dedicate 5% of our time. That means for one day each month (to start with), we will run a WordPress contribution marathon as a company and the first of these contribution events will take place tomorrow, 29/10.

We are planning to start off by helping users with issues on the WordPress support forums, and for everyone who might be interested in joining we created a public HipChat room. Starting at about 13:00 p.m. CET, join in, get to meet us and we will coordinate the process.

We believe that this is the way to go forward; the above pact along with our sponsorships, organizing events and helping out wherever we can is a great start.

One response to “CSSIgniter WordPress contribution days”

  1. littleguy says:

    Great initiative, you are a good force in the crowded theme builders market. :-)

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