
Behind the CSSIgniter scenes. Learn what we’ve been up to.

What’s new in WordPress 5.0

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What’s new in WordPress 5.0 WordPress template

WordPress 5.0 named after Cuban Jazz musician Bebo Valdés has been released last Thursday, December 6th, after a somewhat abrupt announcement of the final release date. Just shy of being the biggest release period between two major versions, 5.0 brings with it rather few changes, but one of them packs quite a punch by overhauling the cornerstone of WordPress itself, the text editor. Keep reading to learn more about what’s new in WordPress 5.0.

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Olsen and Olsen Light have been updated

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Olsen and Olsen Light have been updated WordPress template

We have just released updates for our very popular blogging WordPress themes, Olsen and Olsen Light. These updates bring new features to the themes you already know and love, let’s check them out.

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All WooCommerce themes are now compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.x

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All WooCommerce themes are now compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.x WordPress template

Almost 2 weeks ago, WooCommerce 3.4 was released. It is a minor release (and 2 more minor releases have followed since then). This release introduces several tools, tweaks, and settings to help with GDPR compliance. If you are using a WooCommerce theme of ours, you can safely upgrade as we have made all the necessary changes to our themes in order to be compatible with the latest version.

Our list of themes with full support for Elementor Pro

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Our list of themes with full support for Elementor Pro WordPress template

Just a little while ago, the team behind Elementor, one of the best page builders for WordPress out there, released version 2.0 of their amazing product. If you’ve been under a rock and you haven’t heard about Elementor, I think you should really try it out. There’s a free version available. With more than 28 widgets available you can build your pages visually without touching any code. Heck, we’ve been building Elementor landing pages for a while and we love it.

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Turn your viral news blog into a successful store with Doberman

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Turn your viral news blog into a successful store with Doberman WordPress template

Doberman has just received a big update! Our popular viral news WordPress theme is now WooCommerce compatible.

Turn your viral news blog into a busy store with Doberman. What do your users need? T-shirts, caps, mugs, prints? You can sell them all. What are you waiting for?

With Doberman we have followed our successful recipe of minimal intervention when it comes to WooCommerce compatibility. Most of the changes are purely cosmetic to match the theme’s layout, everything else is handled by WooCommerce itself. This means better and long lasting compatibility, with fewer or none outdated template notices, that’s pretty cool, right?

Check out Doberman below and grab your copy today!

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Create a photography e-commerce site with Benson

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Create a photography e-commerce site with Benson WordPress template

A couple of months ago we wrote an article discussing the suitability of WordPress for photography sites. Turns out WordPress is a great tool to help you showcase your work and if you so desire, sell it online.

Here’s where Benson comes in. We have updated our beautiful portfolio theme to be more than just that. Benson is now WooCommerce compatible, which means that you can use it to easily create an e-commerce site and sell your work. WooCommerce can perfectly handle sales of digital media as well as physical ones, and combined with the stunning appearance of Benson, your sales are bound to go up.

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Spencer is now WooCommerce compatible

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Spencer is now WooCommerce compatible WordPress template

We have recently updated our beautiful blogging theme, Spencer, to be compatible with WooCommerce, the most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress.

Combine Spencer’s clean and beautiful design with WooCommerce’s ease and flexibility to create the perfect e-commerce site for your business.

We have taken a new approach when it comes to Spencer’s WooCommerce implementation. The layout is achieved purely with styling without any template overrides, this gives you a theme that’s easier to work with and, most importantly, much more maintainable when it comes to future WooCommerce releases.

Check it out below and happy sales!

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