
Articles written by the CSSIgniter team mostly about interesting WordPress tools that will help you with your next project.

Plugins and the WordPress design language

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Plugins and the WordPress design language WordPress template

55,000 plugins. Fifty five thousand. That’s the number of plugins available in the official WordPress plugin repository. Isn’t that amazing? These days you can find a plugin for almost everything. SEO, social icons, music players, page builders, custom widgets, e-commerce, contact forms, custom fields, you name it. It’s in there.

What do they have in common?

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Top WordPress newsletters, podcasts & YouTube channels you should follow

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Top WordPress newsletters, podcasts & YouTube channels you should follow WordPress template

The WordPress ecosystem and community are steadily growing, while this is good for anyone in the business, it makes it hard for anyone to keep up with current events and/or learn new stuff in time. Don’t fret, we have compiled a list of essential newsletters, podcasts and YouTube channels for you to follow in order to stay up-to-date. Let’s take a look!

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5 ways Toolset will help you to build advanced business/corporate sites.

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5 ways Toolset will help you to build advanced business/corporate sites. WordPress template

When it comes to analyzing cryptocurrency data, it only makes sense that you need a website advanced enough to handle this complex information. Of course, the problem is the more complicated your website becomes, the longer it takes to build. However, you can simplify this process and save time by incorporating cutting-edge tools. For instance, you can use the trading bot tool from immediateconnect to streamline your cryptocurrency analysis efforts.

Fortunately, Blockchain is now custom post types ready and is integrated with the website builder, Toolset. Blockchain is an incredibly powerful theme for building great WordPress sites and they are now even easier to make. That is because Toolset’s suite of plugins allows you to create these advanced websites quickly and without using any PHP.

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Things to consider when updating a WordPress theme for Gutenberg

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Things to consider when updating a WordPress theme for Gutenberg WordPress template

With Gutenberg getting close to being ready for a beta release and ultimately being merged into core WP, its API and patterns are at a level mature enough that theme authors (and theme shops!) can start planning ahead for the inevitable adoption of the new block system.

In this post we’ll see what the average theme author should have in mind when updating a theme for Gutenberg compatibility and ponder about the future in theme and plugin editing.

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4 Pros and Cons of Partnering with a Content Marketing Vendor

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4 Pros and Cons of Partnering with a Content Marketing Vendor WordPress template

According to serpninja, content plays a vital role in marketing. If you are serious about content marketing, as you should be, you need to work constantly on providing high-quality content that will resonate with your target audience and engage them in your brand. The key to accomplishing that is to have a team of experienced content writers and marketers who fully understand your audience and know exactly how to connect with them and provide them with the answers they are looking for.

Partnering with a content marketing vendor may just be the way to go, but it does have both advantages and disadvantages that you should consider. Read on to weigh up all the pros and cons of engaging in this kind of content outsourcing venture.

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Project Gutenberg – Technology decisions

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Project Gutenberg – Technology decisions WordPress template

Gutenberg, the new and modular editing experience for WordPress, has been in rapid development throughout the past year and will soon arrive to our WordPress installations. Gutenberg will be released along with WordPress 5.0 (which is the next major release), and although no official date has been set for that, it’s safe to assume that it’s not very far away especially judging by the remaining features for MVP completion.

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Getting ready for the Gutenberg transition

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Getting ready for the Gutenberg transition WordPress template

Gutenberg is right around the corner with a speculated release in the second quarter of 2018, but what is Gutenberg? In short it’s the new editor experience for WordPress. The project aims to give you broader, better, and more consistent control on your content, and later, along the way your entire page layouts. The aim, at least at the beginning is to unify all content elements into what are called blocks. In the current editor experience, text, media items, shortcodes, links, offer quite different experiences when creating and customizing them. The introduction of Gutenberg blocks aims to make things more consistent for users that just want to create content without even knowing what a shortcode is.

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Should I use a custom theme or a plugin for my WordPress site customizations?

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Should I use a custom theme or a plugin for my WordPress site customizations? WordPress template

If you’ve ever built a WordPress site from the ground-up, chances are that at some point you needed to do something that your theme and plugins couldn’t or wouldn’t do. You probably already know that you can add code directly to your theme, in a child theme, or in a site-specific plugin. But each approach comes with its pros and cons. Do you know when and why you should choose each one?

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Grow your audience with the right subscription form!

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Grow your audience with the right subscription form! WordPress template

Your WordPress site is awesome.

But what makes it ultra-awesome is that it enables you to convert first time visitors into subscribers and into potential customers. How? Add stunning signup forms and popup subscription boxes anywhere you deem necessary, in order to increase conversions.

Moosend, the popular email marketing service provider has just released their breezy subscription forms for creative marketers! You can grow your list fast and effectively, with a signup form that is worthy of your beautiful website.

“Why are subscription forms all that important in the first place?”, you might ask.

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