WordPress Plugins

“There’s a plugin for that”. Tutorials for various WordPress tasks and ways to improve your productivity in both the WordPress dashboard and the front-end of your WordPress website.

Extending the Socials Ignited plugin – part 1

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Extending the Socials Ignited plugin – part 1 WordPress template

So, the world is not enough, and 50+ icons that come bundled with the Socials Ignited plugin just won’t cut it. What do you do? How do you add your icons into the mix? And most importantly, how do you do it without losing any changes when updating?

Well, I promise to show you how, as long as you promise to know some PHP, especially how to manipulate arrays. The rest of the code (hooking onto WordPress filters) is pretty much self explanatory or can be copied verbatim, and even if you don’t fully understand how filters work, you can still get something usable. Of course, the more you know allows you to go one step further…

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SocialIgniter Widget: A free plugin

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SocialIgniter Widget: A free plugin WordPress template

[box type=”info”]This plugin has been renamed due to a name clash, and deprecated in favor of Socials Ignited. Please download that instead. SocialIgniter will no longer be maintained.[/box]

Today i’d like to share with you our free social plugin called SocialIgniter. It’s a simple little thing that let’s you display icons for your social profiles.

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