New releases

Information about our brand new WordPress themes and plugins.

The Ignition Framework is here

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The Ignition Framework is here WordPress template

In case you haven’t noticed, a couple of days ago we released a couple of themes with familiar names. Aegean Resort and Convert, two of our most popular themes have been rewritten from scratch to be part of our new Ignition Framework based themes. Both have kept their great appearance and functionality, but under the hood everything is brand new. Keep reading to find out more about the new framework.

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The brand new Convert business WordPress theme

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The brand new Convert business WordPress theme WordPress template

We are delighted to announce that our latest project is now ready for prime time. During the summer we’ve been working on a brand new framework which will be the core of all our themes going forward. Today we are releasing the first couple of themes based on the sparkling new Ignition Framework. In this article we will take a look at Convert, the first business theme based on the new framework.

We have designed and built both the theme and the underlying framework from scratch and focused our efforts on performance, ease of use, modularity, security and best coding practices. Keep reading to find out more about them.

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