
A series of “How-to” articles that will help you with your day-to-day WordPress tasks.

How to set up automated cloud backups for your WordPress website

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How to set up automated cloud backups for your WordPress website WordPress template

Most of us have either experienced catastrophic data loss or know someone who did, this is when we understand the value of regular backups and see how easily all our problems would go away, if only we had one available. Backups should be present anywhere there is data created, including our WordPress installations, strangely enough, this is not the case, many developers and site administrators don’t bother with setting one up. Luckily these days most popular hosts are quite reliable and hardware failure related data loss is relatively rare, however this is not the only reason that could potentially lead to us losing our work, WordPress has become an extremely popular platform on the web and following this increase in popularity is the increase of malicious attacks these two, along with user errors are the leading causes of data loss. Let’s see how we can prevent that.

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Supercharging your WordPress website with MaxCDN

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Supercharging your WordPress website with MaxCDN WordPress template

At CSSIgniter we use MaxCDN for about a year now at both our main website and each of our 66 WordPress theme demos (66 at the time of writing). We serve literally millions of static files and hundreds of gigabytes through MaxCDN’s servers each month. A CDN is probably the first thing a developer or website owner should implement on his website if he’s serious about his business, due to how cost effective it is (MaxCDN‘s plans start at just $9/month) compared to the benefits it gives.

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How to programmatically get related WordPress posts, easily.

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How to programmatically get related WordPress posts, easily. WordPress template

It’s a very common requirement nowadays to want to display related posts (or other post types) underneath your content. It engages readers, provides them with more related material to read, and effectively makes them spend more time on your site, further improving the probability to convert. Related posts also come with added SEO benefits, though minor, as they provide internal links to more of your content (and you probably shouldn’t get obsessed over it).

So, how you should go about adding related posts at your website? Well, it depends. It can be as simple as linking manually to your existing posts, employing semantic analysis algorithms to find related content, or anything in between. However for this tutorial we’ll take a medium route and dust off our PHP skills. We will use the post’s taxonomies and implement it ourselves.

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How to build your Business3ree homepage using widgets

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How to build your Business3ree homepage using widgets WordPress template

About a week ago we released Business3ree, a business / portfolio theme for WordPress. In this theme we introduced a new way of building your homepage in a visual way. Drag and drop systems in WordPress aren’t something new but that doesn’t mean that they work as they should. Most of them are complicated, with a ton of features making things for the end user hard and occasionally impossible to comprehend and actually use them. In an effort to provide our users with a drag and drop system we decided to use the default drag and drop functionality already available in WordPress, specifically in the widgets section.

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Extending the Socials Ignited plugin – part 1

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Extending the Socials Ignited plugin – part 1 WordPress template

So, the world is not enough, and 50+ icons that come bundled with the Socials Ignited plugin just won’t cut it. What do you do? How do you add your icons into the mix? And most importantly, how do you do it without losing any changes when updating?

Well, I promise to show you how, as long as you promise to know some PHP, especially how to manipulate arrays. The rest of the code (hooking onto WordPress filters) is pretty much self explanatory or can be copied verbatim, and even if you don’t fully understand how filters work, you can still get something usable. Of course, the more you know allows you to go one step further…

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WordPress – Poedit: Translation Secrets

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WordPress – Poedit: Translation Secrets WordPress template

Please note: The following tutorial is mostly about creating language files from scratch. If your theme provides an up-to-date language file, either .po or .pot you can create translation files without much of the following information.

There are a lot of excellent tutorials on the web regarding how to prepare your WordPress theme for translation, as well as how to translate it using Poedit. I am not going to repeat what already has been written, so here is a small list of tutorials on the subject (in case you are too lazy to search for them):

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Advanced pagination control for WordPress

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Advanced pagination control for WordPress WordPress template

So, you’re developing your own WordPress theme, or you are heavily customizing the one you are already using, and you need to have different number of posts per page depending on the page you are in.

How do you do that?

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